Chris Terry
May 4, 20228 min read
What is brand identity and why is it important?
As a business owner, you’ve no doubt spent your time pondering what sets your business apart from your competitors. You might have...

Chris Terry
Apr 27, 20225 min read
Improve your website SEO using these 6 optimisation techniques
Let’s start with a question: do you know where your website traffic is coming from? If you have business cards or social media sites,...

Mel Bertram
Apr 19, 20226 min read
5 hacks to help you stay on top of your email inbox
In this article we talk about 5 hacks to increase your productivity in your Gmail inbox. We overview Google's tagging system, naming convent

Mel Bertram
Apr 6, 20226 min read
How to Start a Podcast: The Beginner’s Guide
As a co-host of the podcast Seriously Fun, a podcast that is still very fresh, I can tell you that the biggest hurdle to getting started...

Chris Terry
Mar 30, 20225 min read
5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Logo
Branding is an essential part of the overall marketing strategy for your business. It encompasses the tone of voice, personality, colour...